Sexual Assault Centre for Quinte and District

News & Events

  • Sexual violence is about power and control
  • Most sexual assaults are committed by someone the survivor knows
  • There may be many barriers to coming forward for support

Donate a Car

Talk to someone now.
Toll-free at 1-877-544-6424

If you require immediate help,
please call 911.

SACQD has partnered with Donate a Car Canada!

When you donate your car, you will receive free towing, or you can drop your car off to maximize your donation. When you donate your car, truck, RV, boat or motorcycle to SACQD through Donate a Car Canada, it will either be recycled or re-sold (depending on its condition, age and location.)

Donate a Car Canada will look after all the details to make it easy for SACQD to benefit. You will receive a tax receipt after your vehicle donation has been processed.

+ RECENT NEWS & Events

"If it was not for this program, I’m not sure where I would be today. They helped me to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Even though there are many bumps and roller coasters, we will overcome to get there."